Charschan Chiropractic & Sports Injury Center

What is Chiropractic Medicine?

Chiropractic is a health care discipline that emphasizes finding the source of many common health issues and sources of pain by finding the real source of the problem, treatment of the whole body and prevention of mechanical disorders of the musculoskeletal system. Though chiropractors are thought of as “back doctors” or “spine doctors”, at Charschan Chiropractic and Sports Injury Associates, we look at not just the spine, but the whole skeletal system & muscle system to end the pain and make our patients feel better and enjoy better general health.

Our Approach to Health Care

We provide safe, effective spinal and non spinal (arms, legs, feet, wrists) corrections to help you achieve your fullest health. Chiropractic treatments may also include acupressure (no needles here—just massage-like pressure), Myofascial Release (trained in Active Release Techniques ® in 1994, Graston Technique – tool assisted muscular treatment) and active evaluation techniques which allow for better diagnosis and treatment and make our practice unique in the chiropractic community.

Customized stretches and exercises
As a patient of Charschan Chiropractic and Sports Injuries Associates, you can expect to receive some training during your chiropractic appointment to help you manage your pain and maintain your health at home. This usually includes stretches and structured exercises that are designed to address your particular needs.

Myofascial Release, Active Release Techniques ® and Graston Technique

Many muscular complaints never go away, even with exercise which many times can aggravate the condition. Myofascial release has been available in many forms over the years.


Myofascial release improves muscle and nerve function by removing entrapments and adhesions created as a consequence of the way they heal after activity, injury and exertion. The Active Release Techniques ® style of myofascial release has become well known to athletes because of its effectiveness in getting them out of pain and back to their sport without the use of drugs and surgery. We also use other styles of myofascial release depending on which one we believe would work best for the problems we find.

Many chronic pain patients are told they have fibromyalgia by doctors. Often, they are really people with chronic myofascial pain that their doctors may not understand fully. Many of them find themselves living on drugs instead of having their problems resolved.

By hand or with the assistance of Graston Treatment tools, we diagnose and restore normal function. The pain is gone as well as the chronic tightness. This differs markedly from stretching which has only a temporary effect (yoga included). Many television stations have reported on how Graston Technique eliminated pain which prompted many inquiries from prospective patients like yourself with pain how the method can help them. Visit our links section to find out more about the method through their web site.

Myofascial release and Graston Technique adds reliability to the diagnosis, treatment and overall cost effectiveness of neuromusculoskeletal injuries.

Benefits of Myofascial Release and Graston Technique

  • Shorter treatment times with improved outcomes, but treating the whole patient
  • Chronic lower back problems resolved
  • Chronic sciatic cases: We often can resolve long term cases more quickly
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: Resolved in an average of 6-10 visits
  • TMJ: Restores normal jaw function in many patients with a high rate of predictability
  • Chronic neck stiffness: We can often eliminate lingering pain that other treatments can’t resolve
  • Common running complaints such as shin splints, knee pain, kneecap tracking problems can be eliminated and get you back on the track
  • Dupuytren’s contracture responds favorably to this type of treatment and challenging cases may be able to avoid surgery
  • Many chronic pain syndromes are significantly relieved or resolved (myofascial pain syndrome, fibromyalgia).

Charschan Chiropractic & Sports Injury Center